Monday, November 15, 2010


've seen a few people do this exercise where they google an image and then do a simple copy of the image. It's nice because I'm able to focus on color. I struggle a TON with color/lighting and saturation so it was guuud for me.

I googled: "Airplane", "tank" and "sail boat".


Josh H. Black said...

Nice Ty! That sailboat looks really nice!

Ron Jensen said...

Sounds like a good exercise. Nice work, especially like the sailboat.

Unknown said...

really nice stuff man

Glennard said...

Wow - VERY successful!

Blake Johnson said...

Really nice Ty....

Samuel Silva said...

Very cool !!Really good.

Nathan Lindsay said...

If you painted them in the order that you said you googled them, then you need glasses. Otherwise, these are fantastic Tyler.

Jed Henry said...

That's a good idea for an exercise. Especially if you're going for a look that feels like a photograph.