Monday, October 20, 2008


This is for a new personal project I'm doin at home....oh and those are some florescent monkeys.


RAWLS said...

Looks great my friend. Nice characters. ... and you can't go wrong with florescent monkeys!

Anthony Holden said...

I just realized that the only thing that could make monkeys more awesome...was this.

Thank you.

Oh, and your WWI dudes are lookin' rad, too.

Unknown said...

you kik ass!

Jed said...

Rad, Ty. Really cool. Your designs in the middle are SOLID!

I'm excited to see more stuff!

Mike Terry said...

Awesome stuff man. Keep those projects coming!

andre medina said...

is cynthis overman teaching at your school?

andre medina said...

also your work kick ass!

Dan said...

Great stuff here, man!


rasoul shiri said...

amazing work here

Tatevik Avakyan said...

Great work on your blog...I really like your style.

Ken Chandler said...

Great work Tyler! Congrats on the job. Hope that's working for you.

Tobias Schwarz said...

I will simply say: great art!

mjarman said...

I like the monkeys too. . .

R.Dress said...

Very cool.